My artifact is SOROBAN: Japanese abacus. This is a hand calculator. It was made from China and came to Japan. A vertical line is single digit. It helps us to calculate with their beads to change position. Under a bead means one. Upper bead means five. There are different types of soroban in this picture. One has a button to clean beads. Another one has no button, so it is cleared using the hand. We can do addition, subtraction, multiplication and division with it. You get used to calculating with soroban, the next step is “ Anzan ” : mental arithmetic. First, imagine Soroban yourself and calculate the number in your head with the moving position of it. Soroban is one of the popular lessons in Japan from long ago. That is because Soroban students can not only prove calculation skills but also boost their own focus and attention span. So, many Japanese parents encourage their children to learn soroban. This soroban is my brother's. I also have soroban. But...