Self introduction

    Hello, I'm M.S.  Today I will talking about my information. 

    First, I'm from Niigata in Japan. People who live in other prefecture says that Niigata is very nice place. But people who live in Niigata thinks that there is nothing about point of interest. So, if you are from other prefecture or other country, tell me the good point of Niigata. By the way, I recommend you visit Sado-island. You can see a beautiful view from the ship. 

    Second, I'll introduce my favorite things. Tennis is one of the my favorite things. I started soft tennis when I was 12 years old. And, I had played it for 6 years. I love tennis so I still thinking to start it at circle activity again. 

    Also, I like SOROBAN that is a rectangular wooden instrument used to do calculations based on the decimal system. I had been enjoyed some competition we compete for speed. However, I am not confident I'll win now because I have not played SOROBAN for a long time.

    Finally, I'd like to talk about my school life. Last semester, we couldn't take classes face to face. So, I don't have new friends so many. But now, I am so excited because almost our classes are starting face to face. In this semester, I'd like to make many friends.

    Add, let me say I want to raise my English level through my college life. Actually,  I hated to learn English and I am not good at English. However, I have come to like English more and more. And I think this will be the start of learning it positively.   

Thank you...  


  1. I came from Iwate prefecture. I think Niigata is very good city because there are many child, it's active. Niigata's city politics is good for each families.

    1. PS I'm tomohiro ono. I made mistake, I log in different address my school one. This is my personal address.

  2. I though that it was a very good photograph. And, I want to still go as I have not been to Sado.

  3. I want to go Sado island. I want to eat seafood there.




Slice of life #3

Slice of life #9